79 years old and still very popular
It is not because it is 79 years old that its popularity rating can not climb a few notches yet. McDonald's is the proof. An in-depth study of the UBS bank shows that the restaurant owner is dominating more and more all of its competitors. The identity of America's favorite fast food chain is clear: it's McDonald's. And by far. The giant gets the favor of 24% of consumers, while his closest rival, Wendy's, must be satisfied with 10% of the votes. In addition, the gap continues to widen between the two restaurateurs, since McDonald's sees its popularity grow, while that of Wendy's stagnates. Interestingly, no leap is bigger than the one recorded for two years ... by McDonald's. "Consumers continue to have a particularly positive perception of the brand and are inclined to increase the number of visits in the future," write the authors of the study, which is based on a survey of 2029 adults who eat fast food every month. In fact, 20% of consumers plan to visit McDonald's more often in the next year than in the last year. This is the highest score among the 11 fast food chains under study. Starbucks and Chick-fil-A rank 2nd with just over 15%. The three most commonly cited reasons are reasonable prices, tempting promotions and improved food. In terms of prices, 50% of Americans believe that McDonald's is the restaurant that offers the best value for money. Starbucks ranks last on 24 companies. After tough years in the United States, marked by a decline in traffic and sales, McDonald's seems to be on the right track to recover, believes the Swiss bank. "McDonald's strong performance in the US over the last nine quarters reflects the value of its offerings, the continued focus on operational improvements and numerous sales initiatives. We believe that the momentum should continue. "- Excerpt from the UBS bank study THE RICHEST Y GO MORE The study also tells us that the most loyal to McDonald's do not live in misery.In fact, 70% of Americans with a family income of $ 100,000 or more (the highest income category) eat there "2 or 3 times a month". In the less fortunate households ($ 40,000 or less), the proportion of those who encourage golden arches as often falls to 50%. But no matter the age, Big Macs and McCroquettes are prancing in the country of junk food. One in five Americans (20%) go to McDonald's "once or twice a week", 11% of Americans go "3 or 4 times a week" and 5% go "more than 5 times a week". Only 8% never go there. On a less positive note, McDonald's customers believe the service is slower than it was last year. "The plan to improve throughput includes cooperative competitions and possible menu rationalization," says UBS. That said, the chain significantly outperforms its competitors in terms of speed. A year ago, McDonald's stock was selling for about US $ 160. It reached US $ 205 yesterday, a 45% jump over the year. McDONALD'S EN 2018 US $ 21 BILLION Sales value (7 billion US less than 5 years ago) US $ 5.9 BILLION Net profit (338 million US more than 5 years ago) 37,855 Number of restaurants in the world (2426 more than 5 years ago) Source: McDonald's annual report
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fren1565894285965FCe is not because we are 79 years that its popularity rating can not climb a few notches yet. McDonald’s is the proof. An in-depth study of the UBS bank shows that the restaurant owner is dominating more and more all of its competitors. The identity of America’s favorite fast food chain is clear: it’s McDonald’s. And by far. The giant gets the favor of 24% of consumers, while his closest rival, Wendy’s, must be satisfied with 10% of the votes. In addition, the gap continues to widen between the two restaurateurs, since McDonald’s sees its popularity grow, while that of Wendy’s stagnates. Interestingly, no leap is bigger than the one recorded for two years … by McDonald’s.frfalseFrançaisLangue détectée : Français0 traduction supplémentaire
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